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A day about penguins

We started the week by celebrating Penguin Awareness Day, playing with the penguins in the cotton wool snowballs, and blue and opaque gemstones. We had lots of fun trying to balance them on top of the iceberg!

The children have loved our story of Big Box, Little Box, it has been a great opportunity for the children to learn new descriptive words as well as laugh at the antics of the cat and the mouse! The junk boxes have been used to create a playground and a house using various sizes of boxes, with the children using their imagination and creative skills to think about which boxes and shapes would be good for their models and using glue and Sellotape to join the boxes together. We all constructed a fantastic castle using the big boxes - the children were amazing at stacking the boxes to make turrets and a doorway. Through the doorway, there was an imaginary world created by the children with beds for the princesses and the king! At tidy-up time, the children were super at fitting the smaller boxes into the bigger ones and tidying them up into piles!

The children loved using the different colours to create patterns on the boxes such as snazzy, jazzy and spotty, just like the ones in the story. The children spent over half an hour decorating the boxes and adding star stickers too. The boxes were then used to hide in from Storm Eowyn and then made into an aeroplane which was flying to France!

Everyone loved painting their egg boxes with red, green, brown and green paint to go on a nature hunt. The children carefully chose each colour and painted the inside of each egg shape, thinking about what they could find outside to put into each section. There were a lot of conversations about the colours of the leaves when we went for a nature walk to find natural objects for each colour in our Colour Nature Boxes.

It was lovely to see the children join in excitedly with our Listening Box game. They loved singing the song and then lifting the lid to find a favourite item inside the box and listening to the initial sound of each item from conkers to