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Angles and aliens

Form 6 had a very busy week, including watching three Christmas plays in Russell Hall, performed by Transition, Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3. See our Facebook Page for photos.







In maths, Form 6 have been learning about angles, building on their previous skills to find missing angles in 2D shapes. They began by recapping how to use protractors in an online game before having a go themselves with the real piece of equipment. It was tricky at times to be very precise, but with a bit of practice they managed to measure and draw a variety of angles accurately. They then used their knowledge of the totals of the interior angles of 2D shapes to solve some problems involving missing angles in triangles, straight lines and quadrilaterals. 














































In English, the class has been thinking about different perspectives for the past couple of weeks. We gave this a Christmas twist this week by using John Lewis' 2021 Christmas advert, about an alien on earth at Christmas, as inspiration. The children wrote a diary of a very confused alien and then storyboarded the advert, picking the most important aspects of the story to summarise and draw.

Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins