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Don't hog the hedge

This week in Form 1, the children have enjoyed our topic of winter.

They have loved the story Don’t Hog the Hedge, which is all about a very organised little hedgehog who kindly lets other hibernating animals join her for her big winter sleep. In our literacy lessons, the children made their own books based on this story. They chose to either write a speech bubble for some of the characters or a sentence about the story. The children enjoyed cutting their characters out and adding them to the pages of their book. They had wonderful ideas about what the characters might say for their speech bubbles and question marks and exclamation marks were introduced when appropriate.

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about doubling as well as continuing to practice their teen number recognition. They are more confident making numbers to 20 on their fingers by working with a partner and getting faster when asked to make numbers up to 10 on their own. When learning about doubles, the children's first challenge was to match the Numicon tiles to make doubles all the way to 10. The second challenge was then finding the total of these doubles and recording them in their maths books. The children had to count carefully and remember their number formation.

Form 1 enjoyed presenting their assembly to the rest of Pre-Prep and Form 2 on Wednesday. Our theme was kindness and we shared the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today? In the story, everyone has an invisible bucket that they carry around with them all the time. We can fill other people's buckets up by doing or saying kind things. We can empty a bucket if we are unkind.  Everyone in Form 1 took turns to share a kind thing they could do to fill a bucket. Each person took a handful of pompoms to represent the happy feelings and added them to our plastic bowl. The children were fantastic at using big speaking voices and remembering the kind thing they wanted to share. We also thought of unkind things that might empty a bucket and watched how the bowl quickly became empty. Form 1 wants to try and fill people's buckets up every day by being kind and friendly to everyone.

The children have been making snowflakes this week by cutting white paper. We discussed how each snowflake is unique, just like them! They used their scissor skills to snip shapes out of the paper and were amazed at the snowflake they had created when they unfolded their paper. Some children chose to add glitter and then we glued them to black paper so we could really admire the patterns they had made.

Some children have shown an interest in Pokemon this week, so to enhance this we have provided pictures of various Pokemon to cut out, alongside coloured card, paper, pens and scissors. The children have had fun making up the different powers that each of their Pokemon possesses as well as drawing their own Pokemon characters. 

The children have also chosen to use the clay this week and have been exploring how to join pieces together and finding out what happens when water is added. The creations are carefully dried overnight and then painted the next day. The children are really enjoying this activity and have made some brilliant things so far.