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Harvest time is special

In Form 1 this week we have been learning all about harvest time, what happens at harvest and why this is a special time of year.

The children have been finding out about the different types of crops and sorting the produce into grains, meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables. They have also loved reading the story The Enormous Turnip and learning about what needs to be done each season.

After finding out about harvest the children were excited about the idea of making their very own Russell House scarecrow! Together they gathered the things they needed and found some straw to stuff into the shirt and trousers. It was really tricky to get our scarecrow to stay on the stick and the children tried wool and sellotape until they were successful. They worked together as a team to add the finishing touches and he is now positioned outside Form 1, scaring away the crows!

We have also continued with our topic on people who help us and this week have learnt about the people around our school who help us. The children have been on a walk around Russell House to find out about all the important jobs people do to help make our school a great place to be. It was lots of fun talking to Mr Skinner, Mrs Wray in the kitchen, Mrs Tickner in the office and Mr McCarthy in his study. It was also exciting seeing some places around the school that we do not often visit, such as the staffroom and offices. The children loved talking to each person and asking about the work they do. The children loved finding out everyone's favourite part of their job.

In maths, the children have been learning about addition and how to count amounts all together. They have started to learn how to record their maths work in their books and use the addition and equals symbol correctly. They have also continued to practise one more and one less and counting backwards at every opportunity.

The children have been reflecting on our topic this term and have been thinking about what they might like to do when they grow up. Some children want to be astronauts, police officers, mounted police officers, firefighters and nannies.  The children drew lovely pictures and chatted about why they wanted to be these things when they grew up.

After our wonderful harvest assembly the children were excited to talk about how they felt during their performance. Excited, happy, nervous and a bit hot were some suggestions and they all wrote their first sentences about this in their literacy books. All the children are really applying their phonics well and their writing is developing beautifully.

On Friday, the children continue to enjoy their French lessons with Madam Boff and have been working hard to learn how to say all their colours and to reply to questions about how they are feeling. They are growing in confidence week by week and are really enjoying applying the new words they are learning.

I must also mention the children's wonderful progress in swimming. They have been developing their overall confidence in the water all this term and they have loved the whole experience of visiting the Leisure Centre. They are also now super speedy at getting changed and ready for their lesson and getting back into their school uniforms thereafter. Well done Form 1!


Tagged  Form 1  Bulletins