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Minibeasts and a mission

The topic this week in Robins was Minibeasts.

We started the week with a visit to Russell Hall to watch Mission Implausible. Form 6 and Form 7 did a great job and we thoroughly enjoyed watching the cheeky Dr Yes. The Robins sat beautifully and they thoroughly liked the singing.

As part of our topic, the Robins liked adding lots of colour to their minibeast colouring pictures. They were also able to identify the different creatures and they liked the bees the most. To encourage pollinators into our garden, we planted some beautiful tall plants around the fence. Green plants are essential for the life of all animals, either directly or indirectly. Leaves are eaten by earthworms and earthworms are eaten by blackbirds and robins, and so on. Fingers crossed, we might spot some buzzy bees flying from flower to flower, too.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed a hot chocolate drink in the Outdoor Classroom. This kept us hydrated and it was lovely to listen to the birds, whilst enjoying the shade. Afterwards, we visited The Farm and saw a common blue damselfly on the water iris. The Robins were very excited by this and we also identified pond skaters on the surface. The children enjoyed looking at the beans and strawberries and they made connections to our own fruit and vegetables which we are growing in the Long Garden. Our tomato plants are growing very tall and we will hopefully spot some green tomatoes before the end of term.

There were lots of smiles for our whole school photo on Wednesday and all the children sat beautifully. It was wonderful to see all the children and some of our Robins waved to their Form 6 friends as they regularly see them in Robins when they spend time with us.

There has been lots of water play to keep us cool and lots of fun was had, playing with the brightly coloured balls. There was also a slide for the water to flow away, and the children did some good problem-solving, transporting the water back to the water tray.

Continuing with our topic, the Robins were able to identify a variety of minibeasts on our Talk for Learning poster. Spiders were the most popular and whilst playing in the front garden, we noticed some ants on our new plants. Perhaps they walked all the way from our minibeast box to explore our sweet-scented flowers. To extend our love of minibeasts, the Robins decorated a giant worm and snail picture using a variety of resources. There was lots of sticky fun!

Our 30 Days Wild activities have come to an end and I must say how much the children have embraced nature and the natural world. They have enjoyed participating in a variety of nature-based activities and it really has made us appreciate the smaller things in life. We finished the week making beautiful collages with leaves and petals. The red acer leaves were beautiful and the rose petals made their pictures extra special.

Cyril the Squirrel has been popping up everywhere this week and the Robins enjoy watching him out of the window when he’s nibbling at the seed. Percy the Pigeon regularly visits us too. I think we are very lucky to have so much nature around us and most importantly, the children love it!

Our cooking activities consisted of ladybird biscuits and minibeast sponge cakes. The children carefully added red icing and sultanas to biscuits which then resembled ladybirds on completion. On Thursday, we mixed butter, egg, flour, milk and sugar together in a bowl and I must say, the children did such a great job mixing all the ingredients together. Once mixed, the mixture was added to a minibeast silicone tray and then popped into the oven to bake… yummy! 

This will be our last bulletin of the Summer Term. It will soon be time for us to say goodbye to some of our Robins as they fly away to Nursery for many more adventures and lots of fun. We look forward to welcoming our new Robins in the Autumn Term. I hope you all have a fabulous summer break and Mrs Saviou and I look forward to hearing all about your news when we return in September.

Happy summer break, Robins!


Tagged  Robins  Bulletins