Off with a BANG!

The English lesson went off with a BANG!







In English, the children brainstormed adjectives to describe fireworks. They then wrote a sensory poem using the word bank that they had made. They were excellent poems, which they read out to the class. I can safely say the lesson went off with a BANG!

In mathematics, the children have been working on subtraction using a number line and 100 square. They have been using place value cards to make 2-digit numbers and some children enjoyed making 3-digit numbers. Well done!

In science, the children have been learning about sound. They have been investigating how sound travels. The children were experimenting with sound in the playground by using instruments. Many children noted that the sound is fainter the further away they were from the sound.

During PSHE, the children discussed different feelings that they may have experienced. They enjoyed playing a game guessing all the different feelings that they had thought of.

In art, they have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the artist William Turner and they made a colourful collage showing all his different paintings.







In humanities, our topic is British Geography. The class looked at Google maps to find Otford, Russell House and the duck pond. It was so exciting! They have also located the capital cities in the United Kingdom.

Tagged  Form 2  Bulletins