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On the farm

This week’s topic in Russell Robins was On the Farm

At the beginning of the week, the Robins had a sensory farm activity consisting of a variety of farm animals and different types of placemats. The children enjoyed using some of these animals outside once they had made their farm buildings using soft padded blocks. The animals were very comfy in their new homes. Afterwards, two of our Robins used the blocks to make houses and interestingly, they used triangles to make a roof.

As part of our topic, we made farmhouse rolls. Everyone used their super strong muscles to knead the dough and then they used their fingers to stretch and make marks.

A little while later, we ventured to the school field to visit the lambs. It was lovely to see the lambs playing in the field, enjoying the sunshine. On the way back, we stopped off at the rainbow bench and enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit whilst listening to bird sounds.

Continuing with our farm theme, we enjoyed a variety of non-fiction books and we learnt the names of baby cows, pigs and sheep. A variety of sensory materials were used to make animals for our farm collage as part of next week’s Pre-Prep assembly as it will be our turn to host.

Music is one of our favourite activities, so we sang Baa Baa Black Sheep and Old MacDonald and it was great to see the children shaking their bells, finishing with some fabulous jazz hands.

It is never too early to start practising for our Pre-Prep Celebration so we had lots of fun, singing and dancing on the carpet to one of our favourite songs.

We also met our new Robin who has joined us for lots of fun and adventures. The children certainly enjoy making lots of new memories with their classmates. In particular, we had fun on the Paddock, exploring the woods and playing around the wishing tree. 

Scrimbling was a fond favourite and we all enjoyed wiggling and jiggling to the music, whilst mark-making on paper. Stickers were also added to make the pictures even more colourful.

Form 6 have enjoyed visiting us and spending time with the children. They enjoyed sticking and completing puzzles.

As you know, pigs love mud… so on Thursday we made yummy On the Farm mud cake. Everyone had a turn to mix the ingredients and lots of fun was had decorating the cake. We used white marshmallows for the sheep, pink marshmallows for the pigs, cranberries for the horses and blue and green sprinkles for the grass and pond. The Robins were so thrilled with their cake, so we decided to show Mrs Parker and Mr McCarthy.

The Robins have been remembering to place their cups on the coasters during snack time and they liked trying juicy mango. Our Robins certainly have great appetites and it’s always wonderful to see them trying new foods. Well done, Robins.

We finished the week with an energetic PE session in the Russell Hall. The Robins had lots of fun climbing, jumping and rolling.

Next week’s topic is Environmental Awareness so perhaps your child might like to bring in something from home. I regularly change our packaging in the home corner so you could possibly bring in an empty cereal box or box of biscuits. The Robins could then use these to support their play instead of throwing them away. I am sure the children would also like to show their friends during carpet time. 


Tagged  Robins  Bulletins