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One is a snail, ten is crab

Form 1 have loved continuing their Rock Pools and Seaside topic and they have been wonderful at bringing in show-and-tell items linked to this theme.

The children enjoyed sharing the special shells they have collected from various trips to the beach and telling each other all about where they found them. They have also enjoyed finding out the names of the shells using identification sheets.

On Monday, the children learnt all about different types of crustaceans and we focused on crabs specifically. Many of the children were full of knowledge on Coconut crabs, so we found out more information about these amazing creatures. The children made fact files all about crabs which included their habitat, their diet and interesting facts about them.

All the children were very excited to visit the Fathers' Day stall and choose a present for their daddies. They loved seeing all the gifts on offer to choose from and having their chosen present wrapped up ready for Sunday. The children would like to say a big thank you to the RHPA for organising and running such a lovely event for them.

In maths this week, the children have been using the story One is a Snail, Ten is Crab to work on their addition skills. The children loved counting all the legs of the various characters in the book and counting all the crab legs in 10s was really fun! The focus was to count on from the largest number and find the totals using mental strategies. This was quite a challenge, but all the children worked really hard and they enjoyed exploring the various combinations of animals to make the totals.

Form 1 have been extremely busy preparing for Father's Day this week. They have enjoyed making a special card and present and have even written little gift tags to go along with them. The children are excited to make their daddies feel really special on Sunday and spoil them with their gifts!

Form 1 have learnt all about the importance of looking after the environment and how leaving rubbish on the beach is extremely harmful to the plants and animals that live there. After watching a video clip that showed them how plastic harms turtles, birds and fish, the children made posters to remind people to keep the beaches clean. Some children wanted to take their posters home and others chose to put them up in the Pre-Prep classes, so we had fun explaining to the younger children how to look after the environment.

The children continue to practise for Sports Day, perfecting their races and working together in their colour teams. Form 1 are doing brilliantly when practising their Pre-Prep Celebration songs and they are singing at every opportunity and getting really good! 


Tagged  Form 1  Bulletins