Outdoor music
07 Jun 2024This week’s topics in Robins were Child Safety and 30 Days Wild.
I hope you all had a lovely half-term break and we welcome a new Robin to join our busy nest. It was wonderful to hear all your half-term news and see your busy photos in the Home / School Journals.
We started the week with a visit to the pop-up shop in the Old Hall. Mrs Yearly was amazed at how well the Robins packed their super strong bags. As a special treat, the children visited the school field and lots of fun was had, exploring and chasing bubbles. This activity is great for supporting oral motor skills. Of course, it was fun chasing and popping the bubbles, too.
There was a special package from The Wildlife Trust and the children helped to peel back the paper to reveal what was inside. There were lots of nature-based resources and our favourite was the activity cards. We wasted no time looking for butterflies.
Afterwards, we ran through the wishing tree and then stopped to hug a tree. This activity promoted communication and language and it was great to hear the children describe the different textures.
On Wednesday, the Robins thoroughly enjoyed decorating plant pots with a variety of stickers. They then added soil and scattered some seeds from The Wildlife Trust. Lastly, water was added to help them grow. Hopefully, the seeds will grow into some beautiful wild flowers which will help the pollinators. Following on with our nature theme, we found a cheeky spider hiding on one of the children’s hats.
Our cooking activities consisted of rainbow cakes and herby bread rolls. The children have been helping to look after our herbs by ensuring they are watered. It has been lovely to watch the bees land on the tiny thyme flowers. Our strawberry plants now have tiny green strawberries and the tomato plants are getting taller and taller each day.
We have ensured that our feeders are replenished daily for our garden birds and it has been lovely to watch the birds through our nature window whilst eating our snack. Our cheeky squirrel friend was back again, nibbling the seed on our feeding station which the children found funny. We have named him Cyril the Squirrel.
Continuing with our 30 Days Wild activities, we enjoyed a music session in the Outdoor Classroom. It was great to hear the birds singing whilst playing our musical instruments. We sang lots of songs and lots of fun was had whilst listening to the sounds of nature.