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Preparing a poetry project

In English this week, Form 6 has been doing all the preparatory work needed for their lesson with poet and author, Laura Mucha, which will take place on National Poetry Day. 

Laura sent us videos to watch and some tasks to complete. In one of the tasks, children were asked about what matters to them. Here are some of their ideas:
Friendship - having someone to count on
Life - because you only get one
Kindness - if you are kind to others, they are more likely to be kind 
Community - being part of our school and local community
Football - it's fun and makes us feel good to be active
Family and pets - having others to look after us (and for us to look after them too) and they can help us to feel happy and safe
The children are already very excited for National Poetry Day, on the 3rd of October.
In French, Form 6 reminded themselves how to log into Languagenut and they have been doing a little bit of revision to see what they could remember from Form 5. They matched some questions and their answers. Some were tricky, but it helped to look at keywords. They then played a memory game trying to match the questions with their answers. This activity allowed them to improve their comprehension as well as their pronunciation. Well done, Form 6!
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins