Sport report: Cricket

Reports of recent girls' cricket matches.

U8 v Walthamstow Hall: We started our cricket season with a win against Walthamstow Hall! Everyone played well and Bluebell got player of the match, she did some really good batting. Isabelle did great bowling and she hit the stumps! Olivia did some great fielding and we all played well as a team. Both teams played well with some players hitting the ball very far. Well done girls! The score was 245 to us and 241 to Walthamstow Hall. Isla
U9A v Walthamstow Hall: We had a great start to the season and we beat Walthamstow Hall. The score was 245 to them and 294 to us. We started on fielding and did it really well. Zoey did really well and got them out on the second ball. Jessica also just got them out because it knicked the stumps. Annabel also took a wicket and so did Zoey and Imogen. We batted really well and Jessica scored a six and 3 fours. Zoey got 5 fours and played very well. Annabel also got 3 fours! Annabel
U9B v Walthamstow Hall: The score was 261 - 257 to Walthamstow hall. We did so well and it all came down to the second to last over, where Walthamstow Hall took a wicket. Anya scored 2 fours and so did Lottie. Our fielding was excellent and Orla took a wicket with her excellent bowling. Anya  
U11 Girls' Cricket v Lingfield College: On the 24th of April, the Under 11 girls played a cricket match against Lingfield. Despite a loss, everyone enjoyed it and everyone did something amazingly! The score was 311-254, which is still very successful. Everyone had a positive momentum and a strong attitude to the game which made us not lose the ball when it came to us. George scored a 6 and Mia scored a 4, and Bella took a wicket! Grace was strong at catching the ball when backing up. Izzy had some spectacular throws, Annabella’s bowls were unbeatable and Isla’s catching was brilliant! We left the cricket field in good spirits and ready for a good match tea.
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