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Sport report: Netball

Reports on recent netball matches and tournaments, as written by Russell House players.

U10/11A v Caterham

The U11 A team played Caterham and drew 9-9. Nandin was player of the match and I think she deserved it, although all of our team played well. Caterham was a very tough school to play, so I'm really proud of the team for getting the same score as them, considering it was a very close game. I do think we could try and call out to each other more on the court so we could find each other and someone to pass to before the 3 seconds are up. Overall, I think the team played really well. Beatrix

U10/11B v Caterham

The first quarter, Georgia scored an amazing goal and Caterham scored four goals. The second quarter, Caterham scored 4 goals again. In the third quarter, Georgia scored a smashing goal and Caterham scored three goals. In the last quarter. Georgia scored another two goals and Caterham scored one goal. So overall, the score was 4-12. Amelia

U10/11C v St Michael's

The opposition was very strong, but so were we. We did not give up hope and in the third quarter, we got one point and in the 4th quarter we got another point. Even though we lost 7-2, we made such a great team and we tried our absolute best, going for every shot we could. We marked the opponents well. We concentrated on the tips Mr Falconer gave us and we became stronger in every quarter. Well done everyone, you were excellent.   Victoria

U10/11D v St Michael's

Our first netball match of the term started off with a win.  We beat St Michaels 5-8 with good teamwork. Hazel and Orla were fantastic at goals, scoring one after the other. Isabella, Bella, Hermione and Jessica were really good at catching and passing to get the ball to the goals. Imogen did a great job at defending the goal post. Isabella was awarded player of the match.  Well done team to a good start! Imogen

U8A v Walthamstow Hall

We played our first ever netball match on Thursday against Walthamstow Hall. Russell House scored two goals. Lara scored one and Eliora scored another one. We had to change positions at the end of every quarter. The score was 8-2 to Walthamstow Hall. Imogen

U8B v Walthamstow Hall

First, we were so nervous and we didn't know what to expect. Everyone tried hard and the match was good. The Player of the Match was Emilia. Emilia Mil

U9 Tournament at St Michael's

For our first netball fixture of the season, we took part in the St Michael's U9 tournament. We played Somerhill and Rosehill and we lost 2-0. Then we narrowly lost 1-0 to St Michael's. In the last match, we played our best and won 1-0 against Sevenoaks Prep. I think we should have tried to do more shooting so we could get more points, but I think we did well. Kiki
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