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Tackling maths tasks

This week the children have enjoyed the maths challenges for the Inter-House Maths Challenge.

There were four difficult maths tasks where they had to solve the problems. They have been working hard on their division facts using their 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.

During English, the children wrote about an enchanted land where all the magical creatures live. They used many adjectives and similes too. The enchanted lands sounded amazing… if only they existed!

In science, we have been looking at animals that are vertebrates and invertebrates.  We discussed what makes things live. We then went on to talk about how animals adapt to their surroundings. This was a fascinating discussion. The children went to the Farm to water the beans and they discussed living and non-living things.

During humanities, Form 2 were learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. They designed and constructed their own bridge using a variety of materials. The challenge was that the bridge had to stand up on its own and support a car. They worked collaboratively within a group and the designs of the bridges were all very impressive. Well done Form 2.

Have a lovely weekend.

Tagged  Form 2  Bulletins