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The life in years

Welcome back to the Summer Term and what will be our Form 7 children’s final term at Russell House.

We were reminded early in the week of a quote by Abraham Lincoln, which read:

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in years.

With this in mind, our Form 7s have certainly set about making the most of their remaining time with us, filling it with great experiences with their friends.

On Thursday, the Leavers’ Programme began with a visit from Michelle, who took us through lots of scenarios that we could give immediate First Aid to. These included showing us what to do if somebody is choking, showing us how to treat and bandage a wound, and demonstrating other life-saving skills, such as CPR and dealing with seizures. This was a very practical, hands-on day, and we certainly learned a lot! Make sure you test us out to see what we remember.

Other highlights this week have included a return to cricket season in games, the beginning of a building project in maths, starting to draft our public speaking ideas in English and finding out about other upcoming events. We are greatly looking forward to our trips to Parliament and Safety in Action next week, as well as receiving a visit from a navigator at Compass for Life.

Tagged  Form 7  Bulletins