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Using AI and imagination

In English, Form 6 has been using AI to help them make their writing more descriptive.

They were given the task of describing a setting from the book, Skellig. For each description, an image was then generated by AI and after looking at each of the images the children realised that they needed to include more information to describe the setting. The four images here show you how it started and then how it finished. Using shared writing, Form 6 created the following description: 
A dark ancient attic had cobwebs everywhere, waving through cracks in the ceiling. Tiny venomous, black creatures were scattering across the creaky floorboards. Dark shadows covered the room. Mouldy old boxes and decaying crates were scattered around the room. An ancient dollhouse loomed in the corner. Ancient furniture sat sadly in the empty spaces. A small, shadowy figure was hiding behind the dollhouse.











In French, the children have been using the following phrases to describe the weather: il pleut; il fait froid; il neige, il y a du soleil; il fait chaud; il fait brouillard; il fait beau; il gèle. The children were invited up to the C-Touch Board to add the weather for each day of the week. 

A huge well done to all of the Form 6 children for their excellent humanities homework this week. We have loved seeing all of the different origami animals that children have brought in, including: rabbits, horses and even leaping frogs. Well done, Form 6!
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins  Main School