Wow, what athletes!
21 Jun 2024Wow, what a wonderful Sports Day! We were all so incredibly proud of all the children joining in with the races and having so much fun too.
They really were such a credit to our Nursery class being the youngest children taking part and showing the confidence and self-reliance at such a big occasion. We hope you have seen the photos on social media and I am sure you have plenty of your own too.
Our Bog Baby book this week has involved the children thinking about different pond life creatures and introducing new words such as newts. They have been thinking about how to look after the wild animals and creatures who need to live where they are found. They have enjoyed making their own bog baby pond in the garden using stones, shells and logs and the bog babies even had a bubbly bath when the Fairy liquid was added to the water! Using different blue media, the children drew some amazing pictures of bog babies for their Special Books, remembering to add details such as wings and a spiky tail just like the bog baby in the story. The children made their own bog babies using polystyrene balls and adding pieces of material for the features - they are now living in a pond in the classroom.
After a very busy sports day on Tuesday, it was our turn to participate in the Pre-Prep assembly on Wednesday. Again, the children were confident to show some of their pictures, drawings and creations which they have been making this term. They showed dinosaur names, clay ladybirds, monster sock puppets and ocean pictures from when we chatted about World Ocean Day. Everyone thought the children were amazing and gave them a huge clap when we had finished. At the end, we all watched The Whale’s Tale which is a short story on YouTube about how our oceans are full of too much rubbish.
Our Special Leaf this week was for ALL the children for their amazing confidence and running at Sports Day!
On Thursday, we all celebrated French Day! It was lovely to see the children in their red, white and blue and one of the children brought in a French flag to show us. We all said bonjour to each other before we started our day and myself and Mrs Sayers used some French words we remembered from a long time ago! The children made their own French flags by splodging red, white and blue paint with the pom poms and they all made a flower by colouring the petals with different colours and we talked and labelled them with the French words for each of the colours. Some patterns were made by using red, white and blue pegs to create some colourful patterns.
In the garden, there were amazing models of the Eiffel Tower built using Lego bricks. We all decided that they were nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower, especially as one of the children had climbed it during half-term! We then went to the Paddock where the children joined in some of the Olympic activities and games with lots of enthusiasm! In particular, they all loved archery and table tennis so they may be looking to the Olympics in years to come! Lastly, we all enjoyed a French picnic lunch on the paddock with baguettes and ice cream!
In the garden, we found an enormous stag beetle so we used the dustpan and brush to carefully pick it up. After looking at the feelers and counting its legs, we carefully put it into the long grass outside Nursery - the children are looking for it every day! Also in the garden, the children cleaned the patio with the brooms and water from the tray which has certainly helped Mr Phil and Mr John!
We are all looking forward to our story of Sharing a Shell next week to get us in the mood for the summer holidays!