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Kings and queens

Following on from the excitement of King Charles’ coronation on Saturday, we have embarked on our new topic of kings and queens! On Tuesday morning, the children excitedly shared their weekend news which was full of celebrations and lots of food!

As a class, we wanted to celebrate our new King, so we did this by having a teddy bears picnic with our snacks. We did not let the miserable weather stop us from getting outdoors to eat our snacks. Whilst outside we also had a teddy bears race and played guess the teddy bear. This game focused on our describing skills. We put all the teddies in the middle of a circle and we then took it in turns to pick and describe one of the teddies. It was then up to the rest of the class to figure out which teddy bear was being described. All the children in Transition class demonstrated great communication and language skills. We even began to describe the fruits we were eating for our snack.

It wouldn't be a kings and queens week without crowns! Using a variety of materials, we each decorated our very own royal crowns. We wore the crowns to the Coronation picnic lunch on Tuesday. Due to the rain, the grass was very wet which meant we had to have our picnic inside. We all still had a fantastic time eating our packed lunches and listening to special music. Many of the children were able to recognise the Union Jack which we displayed in our classroom. We spoke about all the lovely bunting and decorations we have seen in our local areas. The children had a go at recreating the Union Jack independently! They all looked brilliant, you can definitely tell the level of detail and concentration that went into drawing them. I described them as unique to the children which is a new word for some of us! We explored the word unique to help us to understand it better. I explained that as a class we are all unique, we have different interests, likes and dislikes. We decided that if we were all the same it would be very boring!

On Wednesday, we had a chance to share our Coronation creations with our friends in Pre-Prep at our assembly. It was lovely seeing all the different ways we have celebrated the coronation in our classes.

Our letter sound this week is u. This was a rather tricky sound for us to explore however, we still came up with some brilliant ideas! Umbrella Bird, up, umbrella and upset. We are becoming very good at using our cursive script to form our letters. Some of us have been focusing on how to write our names using cursive lettering too. We have had a lot of fun this week exploring the magnetic letters and attempting to form our own words too.


Tagged  Transition  Bulletins