A sense of belonging
08 Sep 2023Form 1 have had a fantastic start to the new term having settled well into their new classroom and routines.
A special welcome to our new children, who have quickly become part of the class and been wonderful additions to Form 1.
This week we have focused on becoming familiar with the classroom, getting to know each other and having lots of fun together. The children have enjoyed making cakes in the playdough area, playing games together on the carpet, completing puzzles and playing outside in the water tray.
As a class, the children decided on some class rules or promises that we have displayed in our classroom. Firstly they discussed the qualities they would like in a great friend and brainstormed ideas together. Children suggested someone friendly, kind, thoughtful, polite and gentle. They were then able to think about how these might shape our class rules. The children all agreed on these rules and signed their names to make things official!