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Tiny pumpkins

Welcome back! It has been lovely welcoming back the children to Transition and also welcoming new children to the class.

We hope that you have all had a restful summer holiday and have enjoyed (some) of the weather! In true British style, the warm weather has returned with the children back in school. We have had an action-packed week whilst adjusting to all the new rules and routines.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed being back in their classroom and exploring their resources. It has been lovely to see everyone taking time to become familiar with their environment and adjusting well to the new term.

We kick-started the week with a new letter sound, v. We had to think very carefully to identify words beginning with the v sound. We came up with van, vet, vote, volcano and vegetables!

We began to focus on our new topic of All about me. For the new children to the class, it was time to make their self-registration wooden spoon. These are used by the children each day to mark their attendance. We used a range of materials to create faces on our spoons and used mirrors to help us identify key features. We also made a start on creating our own self-portraits. Again, the children used mirrors to identify the colour of their skin, eyes and hair. It was great seeing the ideas the children came up with of how to represent their features. We will continue making these next week!

In Transition, we love to make the most of being outside. On Thursday, we took our music lesson outside. Using our class instruments we explored how we can play the instruments to make a variety of sounds. As always, we enjoyed a class sing-a-long with the children picking a range of their favourite songs for us to play along to.

I have also included some pictures of our ever-growing pumpkins which we planted in the summer term. We will continue to monitor their progress and hopefully they can be harvested before the October half-term. I wonder what pumpkin themed baking we could do!


Tagged  Transition