Rainbows, butterflies and more
Look at all the amazing things our Pre-Prep children have been doing this week.
Butterfly 7
Butterfly 7.PNG3940Butterfly 7Butterfly 6
Butterfly 6.PNG3939Butterfly 6Butterfly 5
Butterfly 5.PNG3938Butterfly 5Butterfly 4
Butterfly 4.PNG3937Butterfly 4Butterfly 3
Butterfly 3.PNG3936Butterfly 3Butterfly 2
Butterfly 2.jpeg3935Butterfly 2Butterfly 1
Butterfly 1.jpeg3934Butterfly 13D shapes
3D shapes.PNG39333D shapes3D shapes 2
3D shapes 2.PNG39323D shapes 2Butterfly 8
Butterfly 8.PNG3941Butterfly 8Butterfly 9
Butterfly 9.PNG3942Butterfly 9Butterfly 10
Butterfly 10.png3943Butterfly 10Cooking
Cooking.PNG3944CookingGardening 2
Gardening 2.PNG3945Gardening 2Gardening
Gardening.PNG3946GardeningJam sandwich 2
Jam sandwich 2.PNG3947Jam sandwich 2Jam sandwich 3
Jam sandwich 3.PNG3948Jam sandwich 3Jam sandwich
Jam sandwich.PNG3949Jam sandwichJunk model 1
Junk model 1.PNG3950Junk model 1Junk model 4
Junk model 4.PNG3951Junk model 4Junk model
Junk model.PNG3952Junk modelJunk models
Junk models.PNG3953Junk modelsLego 2
Lego 2.PNG3954Lego 2Lego rainbow 1
Lego rainbow 1.JPG3955Lego rainbow 1Lego rainbow 2
Lego rainbow 2.PNG3956Lego rainbow 2Lego rainbow 3
Lego rainbow 3.PNG3957Lego rainbow 3Lego rainbow 4
Lego rainbow 4.PNG3958Lego rainbow 4Lego rainbow 5
Lego rainbow 5.PNG3959Lego rainbow 5Lego rainbow 6
Lego rainbow 6.PNG3960Lego rainbow 6Lego rainbow
Lego rainbow.JPG3961Lego rainbowLego
Lego.jpeg3962LegoMaterial walk
Material walk.PNG3963Material walkNepal 2
Nepal 2.PNG3964Nepal 2Nepal 3
Nepal 3.PNG3965Nepal 3Nepal 4
Nepal 4.PNG3966Nepal 4Nepal 5
Nepal 5.PNG3967Nepal 5Nepal 6
Nepal 6.PNG3968Nepal 6Nepal 7
Nepal 7.PNG3969Nepal 7Nepal 8
Nepal 8.PNG3970Nepal 8Nepal 9
Nepal 9.PNG3971Nepal 9Nepal 10
Nepal 10.PNG3972Nepal 10Nepal
Nepal.PNG3973NepalOnline learning 2
Online learning 2.jpeg3974Online learning 2Online learning 3
Online learning 3.jpeg3975Online learning 3Online learning 4
Online learning 4.PNG3976Online learning 4Online learning 1
Online learning 1.PNG3984Online learning 1Scrimbling
Scrimbling.PNG3978ScrimblingSt George 2
St George 2.PNG3979St George 2St George 3
St George 3.jpeg3980St George 3St George 4
St George 4.PNG3981St George 4St George 5
St George 5.PNG3982St George 5St George
St George.PNG3983St George