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Beautiful manners

We have all been laughing about the antics of the Naughty Bus this week as we listened to the story about all his adventures! 

We started the week by driving cars through the paint to make tracks and patterns and observing the marks which the car tyres made on the paper. Lots of fun and very messy too! We then took the Naughty Bus into the garden where there was a tray of baked beans just like in the story! The buses were driven through the beans with lots of the beans getting stuck in the tyres and wheels so just like in the story, the buses needed a good wash!
There was some great thinking about what shapes to use when the children made Naughty Buses from the junk models using various boxes and milk bottle lids for the wheels and, of course, googly eyes for the Naughty Bus to see with! The children loved using the tape dispensers, understanding how to use it safely - even though the tape did get into a sticky tangle at times!
There was some super cutting and counting when the children created their Naughty Number Buses by carefully using the scissors to cut around the pictures of the people to have a ride on the Naughty Bus - myself and Mrs Sayers were so impressed by the children's concentration and hard work.
The children have also been busy making small world environments for the Naughty Bus and the other vehicles by creating traffic jams and tall buildings just like the London buildings in the story. 
Our visit to Otford library was certainly a highlight of the week for us. The children were so amazing walking down through the village and understanding about keeping safe together by listening and watching for traffic. We loved watching the ducks on the pond and luckily we didn't see the Naughty Bus being rescued by the rescue truck! The children were so well-behaved at the library and Mrs Sayers, Mrs McKeating and I were so proud of them. They listened to lots of stories read by Marianne, the volunteer, and the lovely mummies who met us at the library so a very big thank you to the children and mummies for making it such a wonderful visit. The children also created some lovely craft vehicles which we have put into their Special Books in Nursery and they all chose a book to bring back to Nursery to share together. We were all ready for a drink and a snack when we returned to Nursery! 
We have loved all the costumes the children wore to Nursery to celebrate Language Day and we have tried hard to say hello in lots of different languages! We had some fabulous counting in different languages too and all the children were able to tell us which country they were representing. It has been a special day celebrating different countries from around the world.
Each week in Pre-Prep assembly, each class introduces a leaf presentation from Mrs Cooper to a child who has shown extra special behaviour. This can be being kind to friends, sharing with friends, helping our friends (or teachers) or anything else we think deserves a special mention. The leaves will be put onto the tree in Nursery each week to celebrate the award. This week the award was for beautiful manners.
Have a lovely weekend and we are hoping the fire engine will be visiting us next week.
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins