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Gone fishing

Over the past week, Form 6 has gone fishing!

This is a game that they have been playing in maths lessons that involves a combination of division skills and tactical play to try and catch fish on the game board. Although some children found the tactical side tricky, they all enjoyed the game. If you would like to have a go at playing it at home, it can be found in the maths section of Google Classroom. 
In art, Form 6 has created compositions in the style of the artist Andy Warhol. They then used our silk screen printer to complete the task.They could choose from a range of vivid colours as appropriate to their subject matter. Andy Warhol used the process of silk screen printing as it allowed him to easily reproduce his artwork. He worked in a pop art style.
In French, the children have been introduced to the topic of 'Ma Famille'. They enjoyed asking each other if they had any brothers or sisters.  They read some descriptions in French and translated the information given. In their next lesson, F6 will attempt to write their own sentences, describing some members of their families. 
Tagged  Form 6  Main School  Bulletins