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Winter wonderland

Transition have been learning all about winter this week. We started off the week with a winter walk around the grounds on a frosty Monday morning.

We wrapped up warm and made our way outside to spot signs of winter with our eagle eyes. I was so impressed with how observant all the children were. They noticed most trees had lost their leaves, ice on the ground, red berries on prickly stems and rainbow colours in the sky. On our walk, we noticed that some trees did still have their leaves and spoke about the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. We took photos of the trees on the class iPad, which inspired some observational paintings of winter landscapes. 

We were very excited to receive an email from Miss Keeling, who told us that it’s very hot in Australia and that she is having to wear a sun hat and apply sun cream every day! We had an interesting discussion about whether it is winter in all parts of the world and found it fascinating to think that Australia is currently having its summer. We also discussed that some countries don’t have seasons, but decided that we like it best the way it is here, so we can enjoy all the different times of year.