Sport report: Netball

Reports on the latest matches by Russell House players.

U11A v Kent College: We did extremely well. The score was 21 to us and 7 to Kent College. Eva and Lexi scored most of our goals, but Madison also scored one. Connie was great at defence as she made lots of interceptions. Ella R and Ella M were very good at marking and spacing and they also made a lot of interceptions. Amber was amazing at finding space too. We all had a great time, the player of the match was Lexi. Mevna
U10 v Kent College: We won 4-5! Mia scored two goals and Georgina scored three goals. My team had some brilliant interceptions and powerful jumps to try and get the ball. In the end, Georgina was Player of the Match. Well done, everyone! Annabella
U10/11B v Kent College: The Mixed B team drew with a brilliant 3-3 against Kent college and everyone played excellently. Nicole scored 2 and Dakota scored 1. Scarlett had good passing, Maia and Anaya marked really well. Everyone was very positive as well. All in all, it was a great match that everyone enjoyed. Clara
U9A v Kent College: We lost but we tried really hard and made some good passes and interceptions. Interestingly, many of the girls were much taller than us, but Mia managed to score a goal as goal shooter. They were all amazing. Tia
U9B v Kent College: We lost the match 3-0 but we tried our best. I jumped to get the ball and fell on my elbow, but I was able to carry on and was chosen as player of the match!  We all tried very hard. Well done, Russell House. Catherine
U8A v Kent College: Everyone worked very hard. It was 5-3 to Russell House. We were really good at defending and moving into space to get the ball. Well done to Jessica, who was Player of the Match. Alba
U8B v Kent College: Lottie played really well as centre. She was great at catching the ball from the other team and passing across to us. Kent College played well and scored three shots in the first half. We were worried. After half time, our game improved. Lottie kept passing the ball up and Amelie scored three shots, with Imogen scoring the last shot making us the winners. Amelie
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