Amazing animals

It was lovely to welcome the children back from their well deserved half term break and hear about the exciting things they have been doing throughout the week. They were all keen to share their news and happy to see one another again.  

We started our topic on Amazing Animals on Monday and the children loved learning about the seven different continents around the world. A very catchy song helped the children to remember them from largest to smallest and where they are found on the world map. We started by looking at North America and learning about the various different habitats and animals that live there. The children were excited to get back to their swimming lessons in the afternoon and they all continue to develop their confidence and skills in the water.

On Tuesday, we learnt about South America and the children were very surprised to find a giant Ocelot and an Anteater waiting for them on the carpet when they arrived at school that morning! We watched a video all about the continent and then learned about the animals that live there. The children then started their factbook about an animal of their choice from this part of the world. The children drew their favourite animals and wrote sentences about where they live, a fact about them and what they eat.

In maths, we have been learning all about weight and how to compare two items using the vocabulary lighter than, heavier than and equal to when using balancing scales. We also looked at how to find the weight of objects using the bucket scales and cubes. When the scales are balanced, we know we have made the weight equal!

On Wednesday, the children looked closely at the different patterns that various animals have on their fur, feathers and skin. We used the lovely book An Anthology of Intriguing Animals, which includes very detailed and close-up photographs of a huge variety of creatures. The children were challenged to fill each of their four sections of paper with a different pattern using paint, pens, pastels and printing techniques.

We were treated to a gymnastics display from the Russell House gymnastic squad during our Pre-Prep assembly this week. We saw routines from both boys and girls as well as the mixed routines. The children were also very impressed with the vault jumps that were demonstrated as they were very fast! It was wonderful to see the routines they are practising for the upcoming competitions and the children were inspired to keep working hard in gymnastics.

On Thursday, we focused on Africa and the children enjoyed pretending they were on safari, spotting all the wonderful animals that live there. The children were interested in learning about herbivores and carnivores and that there are only two seasons in Africa, the wet and the dry season. They worked hard to complete another page for their fact file and locate Africa on the world map.

The children have started their art project on habitats this week and have created a habitat of their choice using a cardboard box and plenty of creativity! So far, the children have made jungles and deserts. The children were given the challenge to use any resources they could think of and they had some great ideas which included adding real sand and pebbles, lollipop sticks for trees and strips of felt for grass. Next week we will make an animal to live in our habitats, using clay.

As always, the children have also chosen their own interests and have loved completing puzzles together and playing memory card games. Despite the rain, the children have been able to play outside under the shelter and have enjoyed playing in the sand and water and building structures using the den poles.

The children also had a wonderful trip to Eagle Heights on Friday which we will share more about in next week's bulletin.



Tagged  Form 1  Bulletins