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Caterpillars and butterflies

We have had so much fun this week in Nursery, learning all about caterpillars and butterflies! 

There was lots of thinking about the life cycle of a butterfly when the children carefully cut around the pictures and sequenced them into the correct order for the life cycle - even remembering the tricky word 'cocoon'. The children then made some super caterpillars using a variety of green collage and then added the caterpillars faces to make 'C' for caterpillars!  
Big splodges of paint were made on to butterfly wings and then folded in half to create beautiful symmetrical patterns and colours. Sparkly glitter was also added to the wings to make them extra special! The display for our Very Hungry Caterpillar looks absolutely fantastic.
More paint was used to make fingerprint caterpillars - the children had to concentrate very hard to make the correct number of fingerprints for the numerals 1 to 8. As there were some very fast fingerprints being made it was hard to keep up with the counting!
There was some lovely imaginative play with the butterflies and other insects in the glitter and coconut shells as well as with the blossom and mint from the garden. The children thought it was funny to hide the spiders under the logs and scare myself and Mrs Sayers! We also looked for bugs under the logs at Amber's House again and found more ants and millipedes. 
Out in the garden, there were all sorts of food creations being made using radishes, mangetout, peppers and carrots. The tongs were used to transfer the vegetables into saucepans and scoops and spoons to stir them together. We all decided it was healthy food for caterpillars to eat!
Our caterpillars are growing so fast! They are turning into very wiggly and big caterpillars and we all love watching them each day. Hopefully they will make their cocoons in the next couple of weeks so that the butterflies will emerge before half term! 
The children have been sequencing the story by themselves this week using the felt pictures and board from our story sack and also reading the story to the baby doll.
We made some delicious butterfly cakes by mixing butter, sugar, eggs and flour together to create a beautiful fluffy mixture which the children carefully put into cup cases. We took the cakes to the Robins' classroom to cook and while they were baking we went to see the lambs in the fields. They were so cute and the children understood to keep very quiet and still while we watched them playing and sleeping with their mummies. And, of course, all the children had a long run around the athletics track again too!  
After watching Form 2 present a Pre-Prep assembly about countries around the world, our special leaf this week was for being very helpful to myself and Mrs Sayers and for always being kind to her friends - another special and proud moment for us. 
Finally, the children have been doing super singing with Miss Norford again this week so they all received a sticker from her and as we know, the children are always so happy to receive a sticker!
Next week we are looking forward to visiting the library on Tuesday, where we are sure we will all have a lovely time and choose some more books to read together in Nursery.
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins