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Robins road safety

This week’s topic in Robins was Road Safety. 

We started the week with a discussion around staying safe around roads. The Robins were able to identify different types of vehicles and they made lots of connections to everyday life. In particular, one of our Robins told us that he sits in a special seat, called a car seat. Afterwards, we watched a CBeebies video about staying safe near roads and how we can do this by holding hands with a grown-up.

The children enjoyed learning a new song called Stop, Think, Look and Listen. Music is a great way for children to learn about the world - perhaps you could ask your child if they can remember the song.

Our Talk for Learning this week consisted of a Brake poster which we received in a special package. This led to another great discussion about staying safe. We spoke about the coloured signals on traffic lights and then the Robins enjoyed sorting red, orange and green objects onto the correct coloured spot. Well done, Robins!

Our cooking activities consisted of yummy bread rolls, ready steady go pizzas, rhubarb cake and traffic light smoothies. The Robins were extremely careful as they used special knives to chop avocado, mango and strawberries before adding them to our smoothie maker.  

Mr McCarthy visited us on Wednesday to read us a story which was all about transport. Our Robins also reiterated our road safety information. They told him that red means stop, orange means get ready and green means to go! He was very impressed when they told him that they also need to hold a grown ups hand when crossing a road.

The Robins love spending lots of time in the home corner and it is great to see lots of sharing as they play together whilst exploring the resources on offer. The piano is always very popular and it is lovely listening to the children as they experiment with sound. 

Continuing with our topic, we watched a video on the CTOUCH board. This provided opportunities for the children to share key pieces of information from our topic. Children learn in a variety of ways as some children are more visual learners so our CTOUCH is a wonderful way to share information. 

Lots of fun was had making pictures with a variety of resources, including transport foam stickers and traffic light coloured stickers.The Robins also liked colouring their special road safety posters. As an extension activity, we all painted our hands in traffic light colours and then made handprints on our large poster.

As you know, in Robins we love nothing more than to venture around the school grounds, making fantastic memories. We visited the sheep and enjoyed a yummy hot chocolate treat on the way back from the field. 

We also spotted lots of blossom on the apple trees so hopefully it won’t be too long until the apples appear, which we can then use for our baking activities. 

It was lovely to meet our new Robin who will be joining us shortly for lots of fun and adventures. I must say how well our new children have settled. They have settled extremely well in their new environments and all the children are exploring all the activities on offer. In particular, it’s wonderful to see how well the children link up in their play in our cosy corner. The comfy chairs are great for relaxing, along with a cuddly toy and an interesting story.

The Robins enjoyed playing with the large dolls’ house and they played alongside each other beautifully. 

The interest table has been popular this week. The children liked exploring the antique scales to weigh a variety of objects and the number spoons were used to count the amount of spots, supporting number recognition.

Special certificates were handed out to all our Robins as a way of honouring their road safety achievements for remembering key pieces of information. Excellent work, Robins.

Next week’s topic is On the Farm. Perhaps your child might like to bring something in from home, linked to our topic (bookbag size). We have lots of fun activities planned for a MOO-VELLOUS week. 


Tagged  Robins  Bulletins