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Around the world

Our topics this week were My Family and Around the World

Following on from last week’s topic of Marvellous Me, we discussed our family members and looked at our All About Us book. It is wonderful that all our Robins are able to identify their classmates and also their families. Thank you for sending in some of your extended family photos. The children enjoyed sharing them during carpet time and they were able to answer questions. We also learnt some German and Italian words, which was fun. One of our families sent in some German jelly for us to make as part of our cooking activity. We made the jelly during carpet time and a discussion was had about hot and cold. The children enjoyed taking turns to stir the jelly crystals until they had all dissolved… like magic!

Continuing with our Around the World theme, we scrimbled to traditional Italian music. Lots of fun was had and the children listened very well to the instructions, but most importantly, they had lots of fun.

It has been lovely having our Form 6 friends visiting us and they are always so helpful. Our Robins certainly love their visits from their older friends and it creates a sense of family.

On Wednesday, Pre-Prep joined together for our weekly assembly to welcome our new children to Russell House. The Robins were super confident as they stood at the front to say hi to everyone.

During carpet time we read the story My Day, My Way. The children enjoyed listening to the interesting information based on John, Keiko, Bibi and Ashraf. We identified many differences and similarities between the children’s lives and ours.

Our bird feeding table was super busy this week and the children enjoyed spotting robins (the feathery type) and blue tits eating the suet balls. We are looking forward to next week’s Big Garden Birdwatch topic. There might also be a special delivery from Postman Pat. We would love for you to share anything related to our topic next week. This could be a story, a picture or even sharing whether any birds visited your garden over the weekend. 


Tagged  Robins  Bulletins