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Bakers and pancake makers

It has been a busy week for the children in Form 6, finished off on Friday afternoon with the eagerly-awaited House Music Competition.
Well done to all of the Form 6 children who have stepped up to help the School Council. We have some budding future leaders in our class!
In French, Form 6 researched the origin of La Chandeleur, which took place on the 2nd of February. Some children even took the opportunity to make some delicious crêpes.
In science this week, the children learnt about how we use the microbe, yeast, in baking. Firstly we set up yeast and sugar solution at different temperatures and then used balloons to capture the carbon dioxide produced from the yeast respiring.
Form 6 learnt that if the yeast gets too hot it is killed and so no carbon dioxide is produced. Form 6 was also shown two tests to prove that the gas really was carbon dioxide.
Firstly, it floated down to a candle and extinguished the flame. Secondly, when it was bubbled through lime water the clear lime water turned cloudy.  
Finally on Thursday, the class had the most exciting practical with Mrs Carn, where they made their own bread. This practical session was literally hands on and the children had to mix together all of the ingredients and knead the dough and then create their own design of bread roll. Some children kindly made some for Mr Skinner and Mrs Curling too. It was a delight to see how much the children enjoyed the lesson and they were enormously grateful to Mrs Carn for all of her time and effort in making their learning about the microbe, yeast, so much fun. We hope everyone at home managed to have a little taste of the bread too!
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins