Happy and enthusiastic

What a wonderful start to the Spring Term we have had in Form 1. It has been lovely to welcome our happy and enthusiastic children back after the Christmas break, full of stories and news from home.  The children were excited to tell each other about their holidays and it has been lovely to see how much they have all enjoyed being back together.

A big well done to all the children who have joined us from Transition as they have settled in beautifully, enjoying all the new challenges that they have encountered so far.

This week has been all about settling the children back into the routines and activities that school life brings. The children started the week writing about their favourite moment from the Christmas break. The children drew pictures to tell us about the various features of their time away from school such as things they saw, what they ate, where they went and games they played.

In literacy, the children have also been writing thank you letters for their Christmas gifts. The children told each other about their favourite presents that they received and then learnt how to write a letter, remembering to say who it is to and who it is from. The children all agreed that Father Christmas did very well as he knew just what to bring them in their stockings!

In maths, the children have been practising their counting skills and started to explore the idea of sorting amounts into different groups. This is the early stages of developing their awareness of the composition of numbers (that numbers are made up of other numbers) and to see these as part of a whole. We had fun counting to 100 as a group and some children wanted to keep going and count up to 200!