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Lambs in the sunshine

We have all had such a fabulous week settling back into Nursery and welcoming our two new Nursery children. All the children have been very busy playing and learning together inside and outside. It has been lovely to see so much exploring in the garden especially finding spider's webs, bees and even a millipede who was in the sandpit!

The children have shown great independence in making their own choices for their play, with dressing up for weddings and as superheroes always being the first choice of the day!
The children have sat and listened beautifully to stories and, of course, being the leader of the day is always very popular as they get to count how many children are here as well as change the day and weather on the chart. Everyone always knows who the leader is each day!
The children enjoyed exploring the paint at the easel, using scissors for cutting to create collage and rolling and shaping the play-dough to make cakes and cookies! Birthday sandcastles were made in the garden and games were created by using coloured cones to make a long line and balancing all the balls on top!
We enjoyed music with Ms Norford, singing favourite songs and using the musical instruments, as well as having lots of fun with the parachute! Pre-Prep were treated to a wonderful gymnastics display by some of the main school children during our assembly this week. We were amazed at how talented they all are!
The children all did super listening to Mr Phil when we did our practice fire alarm by listening to what he was saying and lining up by the Nursery sign on the playground. 
Up at the paddock, we were excited to see some baby lambs playing in the sunshine and the children love running around the athletics track. Mrs Sayers and I were very impressed by their superfast running. 
It was very exciting on Thursday when our baby caterpillars arrived! The children were very careful with them and understood that they just looked at them but no touching! We are very excited to watch them grow over the next few weeks until they make a cocoon and then turn into beautiful butterflies.
We are looking forward to our story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar next week, when we have lots of exciting activities planned.
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins