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Leisure by the lakes

What an exciting week for Form 6!

Firstly, we had so much to celebrate on Monday morning. A huge well done to our pupils for the following achievements:
  • The U11 South East Team won the Floor & Vault National Finals in Stoke-on-Trent at the weekend and as a school, Russell House finished in an incredible 5th place
  • A bronze medal in the U10 In2Hockey Tournament at Lee Valley
  • Player of the Match for the final match of the year in football
  • A cubing competition (and meeting a very famous cuber)
  • Passing Grade 2 singing exam with merit

On Wednesday morning, all the children came into school enormously excited about their trip to Norfolk Lakes. We had a final chat about what to expect and they set off at 10.30am. From what we hear, they are having an amazing time and they have been excellent company. We look forward to finding out all about their adventures when they return.
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins