Looking after our planet
02 Feb 2024This week has been all about looking after our planet in Transition. We started the week off by reading a beautiful book called Greta and the Giants. The children had so many ideas about how we could help the Giants to realise they were ruining the forests for the animals.
In the story, Greta and lots of other people make signs to tell the Giants to stop and to save the forests. We had a go at writing our own signs using the children’s own ideas. Some of the signs said; Please stop stomping, Stop chopping down trees, Look after the forest. Afterwards, we listened to a very catchy song where the chorus was Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and gave us lots of ideas on how else we could help the planet. It was so catchy that we all went off to lunchtime humming the tune!
On Tuesday morning, we were shocked to see that, overnight, the classroom fairies had forgotten how important it is to put their rubbish into the bin and had left litter all over our classroom! We helped to tidy it away for them and had a go at sorting it into the correct categories; paper, plastic, glass and tin cans. This was a tricky job at first, but we worked together to get it done. Some children made posters to put in the classroom to remind the fairies to put their rubbish in the bin!
We have been making sure that we recycle what we can in Transition and have been excited to put food waste from our snacktime into a special bin that Mrs Nelson brought into school. We all listened very carefully to Mrs Nelson tell us about the special bin and how she would use it to make compost at home ready to start growing lots of vegetables. We can’t wait to see what she grows this year!
We have also been reading Somebody swallowed Stanley. This is a story about a plastic bag who goes into the ocean and causes lots of problems for sealife. We have worked as a class to make a jellyfish out of recycled materials, including; newspaper, milk bottle lids and plastic bags! It looks fantastic.
Our letter sound for the week has been g. The children are really getting the hang of initial sounds and are coming up with all of their own ideas for words beginning with g including goat, grass, grapes and goggles! All children are making fantastic progress with writing their names. It is lovely to see how proud they are of this big achievement.
I have been so impressed by the children’s creativity and teamwork in their play this half term. This has been especially evident in our outdoor construction area. This week’s creation was a boat, complete with seats and a plank! There was lots of excitement about climbing aboard and setting sail!