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Looking forward to it

A huge welcome back to all the children. It's been wonderful hearing what everyone got up to over the Easter Break and the children have returned with heaps of enthusiasm and they are enormously excited about their trip to Norfolk Lakes next week.

During Form Time, we have been talking about what they are most looking forward to, what they are worried about and answering all of their questions. Here are some of the things that the children are most looking forward to at camp:

  • Sleeping over
  • Archery
  • Paddleboarding
  • High ropes
  • Being with friends
  • Caving
  • The food (this was a very popular answer!)
  • Climbing
  • Water activities
Throughout the year, the children in Form 6 have volunteered to help out in Robins, Nursery and as Librarians. It has been wonderful to see how willing the children are to offer their time and to help out with the younger members of the School. For the final time this year, we have had so many offers of help from the Form 6 children. Well done and thank you to all of our Form 6 helpers. I know Mrs Warner and Mrs Bennett are hugely grateful for the children's help and the Robins and Nursery children absolutely love having Form 6 there to help and guide them.
In maths this week, we have been looking at square, cube and triangle numbers. In order to investigate square numbers a little further, we attempted to find all the happy numbers between 1-100. A happy number is found when you add the squared digits of a number and they equal 1, for example; 10 is a happy number because when I square the digits 1 and 0, it gives me the numbers 1 and 0, which add together to make 1! We made a few discoveries along the way that helped us to solve the problem faster and found it satisfying when we were able to mark off a long chain of numbers. Ask us to show you how to solve this problem at home.







In games this week, the children have been developing their fielding skills, with a particular focus on bowling and retrieving the ball. We are all looking forward to our first cricket fixtures in week 3 and hopefully some warmer weather too!

Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins