Numbers, numbers everywhere!
02 Feb 2024It has been a week full of numbers this week in Nursery, listening to our story of None the Number. The children have amazed us with their number knowledge and they have had fun learning all about numbers and that none is a number which we sometimes call zero.
We had a busy time cutting out the numbered cars to drive into the correctly numbered parking space on the sheet of paper. There were a variety of family members driving the cars such as; Mummy, Daddy and Granny! Again, there was some amazing numeral recognition and matching of numbers on the cars and parking spaces.
The children have been busy counting out the number of bricks they need for the Lego brick patterns and making towers of 1 to 10 bricks. There was lots of curiosity when the children looked for shiny and pebbled numbers in the sparkly glitter and salt.
We have loved making fruit faces this week and eating them for extra snacks. We have had cucumber eyes and strawberry noses and a variety of apple and grape mouths, ears and carrot hair! There was some careful counting going on to make sure we all had the right number of items for our faces.