Numbers, numbers everywhere!

It has been a week full of numbers this week in Nursery, listening to our story of None the Number. The children have amazed us with their number knowledge and they have had fun learning all about numbers and that none is a number which we sometimes call zero.

They enjoyed tracing around zero using painty fingers to make a dotted pattern. The children were very excited to see how long they could make their number line when they thought very carefully about which number comes next, just like in the story.
We had a busy time cutting out the numbered cars to drive into the correctly numbered parking space on the sheet of paper. There were a variety of family members driving the cars such as; Mummy, Daddy and Granny! Again, there was some amazing numeral recognition and matching of numbers on the cars and parking spaces.
The children have been busy counting out the number of bricks they need for the Lego brick patterns and making towers of 1 to 10 bricks. There was lots of curiosity when the children looked for shiny and pebbled numbers in the sparkly glitter and salt.
We have loved making fruit faces this week and eating them for extra snacks. We have had cucumber eyes and strawberry noses and a variety of apple and grape mouths, ears and carrot hair! There was some careful counting going on to make sure we all had the right number of items for our faces.
It has taken a long time for the sun to make an appearance this week as our weather chart has been showing clouds for far too long! In the garden, the children have been making homes for the animals and whizzing and zooming the cars down the ramps. The fire engine is still going strong and so the Nursery firefighters have had another busy week on duty!
We had a lovely walk to the Paddock, where the children always love to play imaginative games, from selling ice creams to adventures on pirate ships. The children were fabulous at joining hands to make a zero number.
During music, the children were very excited to use the colourful Wakatubes which are all different lengths to create different sounds. We also sang one of our favourite silly songs Put Your Socks on Your Ears and the children then thought of other things that are a funny swap. A favourite is to put your trousers on your neck! 
Our Special Leaf this week was for always trying really hard and for lots of thinking about which number comes next.
We can't believe it is the last week before half-term next week! We are looking forward to our story about our favourite elephant Elmer, celebrating Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day and, of course, welcoming you all to our Pre-Prep Coffee Morning.`
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins