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Once upon a time

Our topic this week in Robins was Fairy Tales/ Once Upon a Time. 

There was a big surprise at the start of the week… the new cosy corner. Lots of fun was had, exploring the natural resources and, of course, the comfy chairs. The superheroes made their way into the cosy corner and the Robins enjoyed building towers. Well, that was until Hulk smashed the towers down!

The children enjoyed making pictures using sparkly stickers and we spoke about them during carpet time. We have learnt some new interesting words this week, such as; castle, crown and wand.

Our cooking activities consisted of bread rolls and biscuits. Of course, these were not just ordinary rolls and biscuits. They were castle rolls and fairytale nests. The children worked their finger muscles super hard and they kneaded the dough very well. It was fun making marks in the flour and the Robins enjoyed showing Mrs Parker and Mr McCarthy their castle-shaped bread. The class smelt amazing during our nest activity. First, we whisked Angel Delight and milk together and then we popped it in the fridge to set. Next, the children used a spoon to add the mousse on top of their meringue. Finally, strawberries were added as the towers.

There was also a new addition to the outside area; a wonderful teepee. The children enjoyed spending time inside their new tent and it was lovely to see one of Robins using the new tent as a space to explore books and stories.

On Wednesday, we explored the school grounds, walking through the woods on our way to visit the Outdoor Classroom. Once we were all seated, the children were asked to hold their cups with two hands whilst we added warming hot chocolate.

The Robins enjoyed showing their items from home during Show and Tell. This ranged from cars and trains to pink ponies and a fairy outfit with wings. One of Robins turned into a fairy during carpet time. Luckily, she was a sensible fairy and didn’t fly away. 

As part of our topic, the children had lots of fun exploring the sensory tray. We like to always find a use for something, so I brought in some flowers from home as they were beginning to look a little sad. The Robins liked exploring the magical petals and various sized bowls and spoons. It was wonderful to see lots of creativity as the children mixed the petals together and scooped them into bowls.

It has been lovely having daily visits from Form 6 and it has been very helpful having the older girls accompany us when walking back from ballet. Well done, Form 6!

The week ended with an energetic PE session in the Russell Hall. The children were able to climb independently, which was very impressive.

Next week's topic is Book Week and People Who Help Us. Perhaps your child could bring in something relating to our topic or something based on your child’s interests. 


Tagged  Robins  Bulletins