Our new piano
12 Jan 2024Our topics this week in Robins were Marvellous Me and Settling In.
Welcome back following the Christmas break. It has been lovely listening to the children’s news and activities over their festive break.
We have certainly had a great but musical start to the Spring Term and it has been lovely welcoming our new Robins. All the children have played nicely and shared the resources beautifully. There has been a new interest in class this week… our new piano! The children have loved playing their own patterns and exploring the different sounds.
It has certainly been super chilly and the snowy and icy coverings provided lots of fantastic discussion. The children made some lovely wintery pictures using a variety of wrapping paper. The colours and patterns reminded us of snow and ice.
We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and the children tapped their knees along with the flow of the story. Afterwards, we spoke about the last few pages and looked at the pictures of all the children. Following on from the story, the children used mirrors to draw their own faces. It was great to see how much detail was added to some of the pictures.
Our cooking activities consisted of bread rolls and biscuits decorated with our favourite toppings. The Robins enjoyed using a variety of toppings and each biscuit was unique. Cooking is such a great activity for children and it provides so many learning opportunities, which is why I like to offer group and one-to-one activities.
We wrapped up nice and warm to explore the school grounds on a lovely winter walk. It was super quiet and we spent time walking on the crunchy, crisp grass whilst listening to the birds sing. We’ve had lots of birds on our class feeder and there have also been some redwings pecking the berries, which was lovely to see. Plus, long-tailed tits on our feeder.
On Friday, we explored the large climbing apparatus in the Russell Hall. It was great fun and a fabulous way to end our first week back!
We are looking forward to next week’s topics; My Family/ Around the World and we will have a look through all our photos in our special All About Us book. Perhaps you might also like to send in some photos of your extended family as it would be lovely to share these during carpet time.