Our wonderful world

It's been another very interesting week in Nursery, learning all about the animals in Dear Zoo and all about the wonderful world we live in for Environmental Awareness Week.

Spotty stickers were carefully peeled from the sheets to decorate snakes which the children then carefully cut around to make spiral snakes for our display. We all agreed that snakes can be scary, just like in our story!
The children were very busy exploring natural objects to create some amazing homes for the zoo animals as well as adding wooden structures with the bricks to make crates and homes. There were some fabulous pictures drawn for our collage of It's a Wonderful World and the children also drew pictures of what they love most in the world, including the moon and stars, rainbows and mummies as well as unicorns and princesses, of course!
The children were able to identify and compare animal patterns when they created their collages of animal skins and fur. There was lots of chat about spots, stripes and splodges to describe the patterns for the animals and a lot of snapping sounds for the crocodile!
Our Pre-Prep assembly was all about the environment and the children were absolutely incredible at talking about how we help the world by turning off lights, turning off taps and recycling milk bottles. Naughty Bus models made from junk were shown as well as binoculars which the children made from cardboard tubes when we went hunting for bears - it was great fun seeing who they could see in our assembly through their binoculars including Mr McCarthy!
Our final show piece was our collage of It's a Wonderful World with David Attenbourgh narrating in the background. All the Nursery children received a huge round of applause for their super assembly and myself and Mrs Sayers were so proud of them. Our leaf for our learning and growing tree was awarded for busy tidying up and learning lots of new English words - another proud moment for us!
Other role-play and fun activities the children have been very involved in are; mummies and daddies with lots of babies and pets, as well as doctors and shopping lists! They have enjoyed water play with the boats and ramps, making faces with autumn leaf hair, scooping beans and seeds into pots and driving diggers through the gloop.
One of the favourite activities this week was cleaning teeth. There were plenty of minty aromas in the classroom and it was lots of fun squeezing the toothpaste onto the toothbrushes. We think some of the children were still smelling minty when they went home.
The children have been practising their singing for our Harvest songs next week and our rhyming song for our Coffee Morning. It would be so lovely to see you all there. 
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins