People who help us

This week’s topics in Robins were Book Week and People Who Help Us.

Wow! The Robins have certainly had a very busy week. They started the week with a shopping trip to buy something nice for Mother’s Day. The children enjoyed using their Russell Bucks and, of course, we couldn’t resist a group photo on our way back to class. It was great to have some Form 6 helpers and they helped the Robins choose gifts.

On our return to class, the children decorated their Hey Duggee cakes. In true Robins style, we made a cake delivery to Mrs Tickner, Mrs Parker and McCarthy. They were all thrilled with their cakes and they told us they were going to enjoy them with a nice cup of tea.

The Robins have been extremely busy this week, finishing their trio of gifts for Mother’s Day. We hope all the mummies love their presents / plants. The children enjoyed using a variety of resources to make their special cards so each one is unique as the children made their own designs.

It was Open Morning on Wednesday and I must say how wonderful the children were and how kind they were to our visitors. It was nice to see lots of families explore our class and observe our learning.

As part of our topic, the children explored a variety of sensory trays which were based on books and people who help us. The emergency services are real-life superheroes, so we explored a variety of characters. Spider-Man was the most popular and apparently the best. The Robins had lots of fun trying to save the superheroes from the monster slime!

Lots of fun was had in ballet and it was great to see all the good toes and also some cheeky toes! The children enjoyed chasing after their space balls and it was great to see them bending and stretching over to pick up the balls, whilst also pointing their toes.

Thursday was extra special as it was World Book Day. It was wonderful to see all the children’s costumes and Mr McCarthy popped in to read us a story. It was one of our favourites and it had something small and green. Can you guess it? Yes… it was the Evil Pea. The children had lots of fun, trying to find the cheeky pea as he was hiding outside in the front garden. Not one but five Evil Peas.

A very kind parent sent in some German jelly for us to make this week as part of our cooking activity. The children enjoyed watching the jelly change colour.

Continuing with our topic, the children enjoyed dressing up as police officers and firefighters. Our non-fiction basket has been very popular this week, especially the fire engine books.

Can you remember our beans which we planted a few weeks ago? Well, I can conclude that after conducting our experiment, the beans grew best in the shredded paper and soil. Interestingly, we didn’t try sand, which I think may have worked quite well. Especially as our little tiny seed from our sandpit has grown and is getting taller and taller each week! We will transfer our beans to the vegetable planter in the Long Garden before the end of term. The Robins are keeping their fingers crossed for a giant beanstalk when we return next term!

There has been lots of bird activity this week and we were thrilled to see long-tailed tits on our class feeding station. We are very lucky to have a viewing window into nature and it’s fantastic to see how much enjoyment the children get from watching their feathery friends.


The Robins changed into their wellies on Thursday to visit the sheep on the school field. We had a running race on the way back and one of the children asked to do it again! It was funny to see all the children running in their World Book Costumes and Mr Fantastic Fox won the race! Everyone sat nicely on the rainbow bench for a yummy hot chocolate and biscuit.

We finished the week with an energetic PE session in the Russell Hall. Next week’s topics are Nutrition and Hydration and Science Week

It has been lovely to hear lots of our Russell House children ask about our new Wrens, as some of their siblings attend our parent and toddler group on a Monday afternoon. It is very special and it is wonderful to welcome our Wrens into our Russell House family!


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