Pumpkin potions

What a grrrrreat Gruffalo week we have all had in Nursery!

The story of The Gruffalo is always one of our favourites and the children can join in with all the repetitive and rhythmic language with enthusiasm and enjoyment. They all love that the mouse is so super brave and clever, as he tricks all the woodland animals and the Gruffalo too!
The children made some super Gruffalo hats which you all saw for our Coffee Morning performance. As they were making them, they were able to remember all the features of the Gruffalo from his terrible tusks to his poisonous wart. The children were all able to recall all the descriptive words again when they drew amazing pictures of the Gruffalo in their Special Books which you will all be able to see at consultations after half term. 
There was lots of curiosity and investigation of the natural objects to make the houses for the fox, snake and owl as well as for the Gruffalo, of course! There was a lot of concentration when the children pushed coloured pins and banged nails into the pumpkins - they were very careful to use the hammer correctly and to make sure they picked up the pins carefully, which were very prickly. We later scooped out the pumpkins to find all the seeds and made pumpkin soup and pumpkin potions in the garden. The children loved cutting the flowers and adding water, conkers, pine cones and even spiders to the pumpkins. We are hoping to keep some of the seeds to grow our own pumpkins in the garden and we will leave the pumpkins out over half term for the birds and the squirrels to eat. 
In the garden, the magnifying glasses have been very popular after the children found a ladybird which was very loved - some of the children found a snail and plenty of spider's webs all ready for Halloween! 
In Pre-Prep assembly, the special leaf this week was awarded for super listening and waiting patiently for my turn. All the children are very excited to see who will receive a leaf and, believe me, it is very difficult to choose each week as all the children are displaying some truly wonderful kindness and behaviour. 
As you can see from the photos, there has been lots of busy role-play games going on in Nursery as well as sharing stories together. We love to observe and, of course, join in with the children's play - especially when we are given endless cups of tea and cakes too!
Mrs Sayers and I would like to thank you all for all the support you give to us and the Nursery - we have such fun together with all the children. We wish you a very happy half term holiday and look forward to the countdown to Christmas on our return in November.
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins