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Sensible and confident

Welcome back to the Summer Term. This week’s topics in Robins were Settling In and Marvellous Me.

The children have settled back extremely well into our class routines and it has been lovely to see our existing children be so kind to our new Robins. We are also looking forward to welcoming the remaining Robins over the next couple of weeks and then we will have a nest of Robins.

There has been lots of imaginary play in the home corner and lots of fun was had using the real-life boxes and bottles to make breakfast and lunch. During carpet time we spoke about the cups and saucers and how we need to look after them as they are made of china, along with our new teapot. I must say, it has been wonderful to see the children playing with these resources and looking after them with care.

Our new word of the week was coasters and I explained and demonstrated how they should be used. Sometimes the children’s cups will fall over so now with the newly introduced coasters, the children are able to position their cups above their plates to minimise any spillages.

As part of our topic, we have been learning about our families and the children enjoyed drawing their families and talking about them with the use of our All About Us book. We also spoke about our friends who have now moved to Nursery to have lots of new adventures.

Continuing with our topic, the children enjoyed listening to a variety of stories about starting school. It was wonderful to hear the children making connections between the story and their class. This shows how settled and secure our Robins feel during their time at school.

The children have helped us to water our plants and these plants help the class have a lovely outside feel. We have also had some visitors at our bird feeding station, which was lovely to see.

On Wednesday, we watched some fantastic gymnastics in the Russell Hall. The routines were amazing and I think it has inspired some of Robins to be future gymnasts as there was lots of jumping and moving on our return to class.

Safety is very important and knowing what to do in the event of a fire. We therefore took part in two class fire practices and a whole school practice. Everything has a learning opportunity in Robins, so we even used our great counting skills to make sure we were all present and standing on the line. Well done, Robins!

This week’s cooking activities consisted of banana and sultana cake with a hint of cinnamon, bread rolls and magic German jelly. We spoke about the ingredients during carpet time and the children were able to make connections. There were lots of strong muscles and the children did some fantastic mixing. The Robins enjoyed watching the white jelly powder change colour to red. We made a delivery to Mrs Tickner, Mrs Parker and Mr McCarthy. These activities promote and support the children’s confidence as they visit other members of staff around the school and Mr McCarthy is always thrilled to see us and he regularly comments on how sensible and confident they are.

On Thursday, we had a hot chocolate treat after walking around the school grounds. We ventured to the school field and spotted the lambs having fun in the sun. Afterwards, we sat nicely on the bench for a delicious treat.

Lots of fun was had exploring our new play-dough cutters. There were lots of yummy biscuits and cakes made for Mrs Saviou and myself so thank you Robins for doing such great sharing.

Finally, the children had lots of fun with Miss Norford in music and we enjoyed listening to a lovely piece of music as part of our mindfulness activities. It was lovely to lie on the floor and close our eyes as we listened to the fantastic sounds of the piano.

Next week’s topic is Road Safety. We have received a special package from the road safety charity Brake so the children are looking forward to finding out what is hiding inside.  Your child is welcome to bring something in from home which is linked to our topic. For example, it could be a car or a bus, etc. 


Tagged  Robins  Bulletins