Festive and jolly
01 Dec 2023Christmas has definitely arrived in Nursery this week - we started by putting up the Christmas tree which was beautifully decorated with sparkly baubles and precious decorations!
The tree has been admired by everyone, although the aliens have been and left underpants on it! There has been much laughter when listening to the story of Aliens Love Panta Claus and we have all enjoyed reading about the antics of the aliens who were giving underpants away in this cheery Christmas story! The children designed their own underpants with feathers and Christmas paper and we read the story of The Queen's Knickers too, who also had a fancy pair of holly pants!
The children explored different 2D shapes when they created their own Christmas aliens using cut-up shapes of Christmas cards and, of course, added big eyes and alien names for their creations.
There was a lot of concentration when the baubles were balanced on top of the cardboard tubes using steady hands and the tongs to see which ones balanced and which ones fell inside the tubes. Some glue and slime activator was mixed together to create alien slime and then stretched and pulled to see how long we could make it!
We have been very busy doing our last Christmas play rehearsals before we perform for the Pre-Prep on Tuesday and, of course, we are very excited to be performing for you all next Wednesday! We can't wait to see you all there.
The time is flying along and we have been so busy - the children have been superstars by listening to lots of instructions and dashing up to Russell Hall to practice our play. In between, they have enjoyed trying on their costumes and enjoying some Christmas activities - a firm favourite is the small world nativity sets and the Christmas small world figures which have produced some fabulous imaginative play together.
We look forward to seeing you all for our Christmas play - please bring grandparents and friends along too! Have a lovely Christmassy weekend.