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We know what's right

This week started with a wonderful assembly by Mrs Carn to kick-off Anti Bullying Week.

The children wore their spectacularly odd socks to school on Monday and they also thoroughly enjoyed their Book Fair visit. On Thursday, the class presented their assembly on the theme of Anti-bullying. Before half term, they decided what they wanted to do for the assembly and they were set the task of designing their own slides and creating their own group role plays. 
The first group acted out a scenario based on online bullying, where a group of children were repeatedly sending unkind messages using their mobile phones. The second group focused on bullying on the sports field, where two girls were picked on for not being good enough and for simply being girls. The third group looked at bullying in the classroom, where a child was repeatedly made to feel awful for making a mistake.
The final group acted out a scenario where a child wasn't allowed to join in because of the colour of her hair and the clothes she was wearing. They made the important point of telling a teacher, who was able to put an end to it all.
Huge congratulations to all of the children, not only for performing so brilliantly in front of the Main School, but also for their hard work and complete dedication to producing the most wonderful and carefully planned role plays. Super teamwork, Form 6. Well done!
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins