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Wonderful wool

It has been a busy week for Form 2, including another collaborative art workshop.

This week the children have been writing animal riddles for the class to guess what animal they were describing. They also are completing their comprehension exercises well with more confidence. The children enjoyed planting beans this week and sequencing how they planted them in their bean book using time connectives.

In maths, the children are learning to halve and double numbers. They are also looking at different shapes and learning to identify their properties. They continue to consolidate their times tables and number bonds.














In art, the children went to an art felt-making workshop. They stretched out the fabric to create a base layer for the main canvas that Forms 3, 4 and 5 will be creating.














In science the children were using rulers, scales and measuring cups to record their results accurately. They rotated around the room with four different exercises to complete. They are beginning to realise that recording the results straight away is very important.

Form 2 are becoming very confident at drawing and writing titles on the computer using Jamboard. Well done!

The friendship soup is a huge success in Form 2 and the children are loving adding little notes to the soup for  Form 2.


Tagged  Form 2  Bulletins