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Big box, little box

The children have had such a fabulous week learning all about size in our story Big Box, Little Box

Boxes of varying sizes have been filled with different objects to develop the children's understanding of size and shape with lots of mathematical language to describe the sizes using bigger, smaller, teeny tiny and huge. The boxes were then used to create models and there was some amazing thinking from the children about how to attach the boxes together using the hole punch to make holes to thread string through. The Sellotape dispenser was very popular to cut the tape to stick boxes together to attach the string. 
There was such great involvement when the children decorated the boxes using the felt tip pens and the paint pens to make patterns snazzy, jazzy, spotty and plain, just like in the story. The biggest box was the most popular and the children loved seeing how many of them would fit in!  It was lovely to see so much imaginative play using the boxes as a boat, a car and a cave! 
For their Special Books this week the children had to choose six things to draw in the six boxes on the paper and there were some very imaginative ideas! We had a bear with a broken tummy, park run and a banana in a boat as well as many other fantastic objects. There were boxes in the sandpit, to fill with sand and treasure whilst exploring different 3D shapes.