A window into nature

Our topic this week in Robins was Environmental Awareness.

We started the week with a discussion around meat-free Monday. This was followed by making yummy fruity kebabs. The Robins worked very hard to thread their fruit onto the wooden skewers. It was great to see the level of concentration and perseverance, as some of the fruit kept falling off. We then spoke about the sharp pointy end and how it was a good idea to cover the end with a slice of orange just in case it gave us an ouchy.

There has been an even bigger focus on recycling and the children have enjoyed playing the role of a recycling attendant. Following on from this activity, we watched a video and we sorted the different objects into either the recycling bin or rubbish bin. We have also moved our recycling bin in class, so it is more accessible for the children.

There was lots of squeezing and rolling again this week as we made yummy bread rolls. This activity is great for mark-making and the Robins always have lots of fun making patterns and marks in the flour. It is also great for strengthening their muscles.

The Robins thoroughly enjoyed last week’s bird topic and it is so lovely to hear them talking about the birds when they land on our feeders. We are very lucky to have our own viewing window into nature, so we have revamped this area and made it more of a focus in class. It is great to see how much these activities are building the children’s critical observational skills, whilst also connecting with nature. The children have been busy, refilling our feeders to ensure our feathery friends have a constant supply of food. We were amazed on Wednesday when we saw two long-tailed tits eating our suet balls. As part of our RSPB activity pack, we recorded how many birds we spotted over the course of an hour last week and uploaded our information online. This will help the RSPB to build a picture of how many garden birds are faring.

One of the Robins brought her cuddly monkey into school last week and she told us that it likes to eat bananas. This was therefore incorporated into this week’s cooking activities and the children had lots of fun, mixing banana Angel Delight in a bowl. The children identified that there were a lot of different-sized bubbles. Well done, Robins! Then on top, we added strawberry Angel Delight, but with a magical twist… unicorn sparkles!

Following on with our topic, the children were super creative at the playdough table and they reused plastic containers to make cakes and biscuits. The Robins also made some beautiful pictures using a variety of resources.

We ended the week with an energetic PE session in the Russell Hall.


Tagged  Robins