The great bake-off
10 Feb 2023The children have been busily earning their high points over the last five weeks and we now have our first white badge winners of the term. Congratulations to: Grace, Isabella, Isla, Anaya, Annabella, Oliver C and Mia.
It has been an excellent week of sport for the children, in lessons and in matches. The boys were treated to a rugby coaching session from Mr Cullen, from Sevenoaks School, and the girls had Miss Edwards, from Telstars Netball Club join their lesson on Tuesday. In gymnastics, the children have been working hard to learn new skills for their routines and we have seen so many delighted faces as they have acquired new skills, including : cartwheels, headstands and bridge kick-overs. We have also had excellent results from our fixtures this week. Well done to the children.
To finish off our final week of this half term, Mrs Carn taught the class how to make bread, as part of their topic on microbes. Here's a summary of their lesson:
On the way to the hall, everyone had to wash their hands properly, as taught by Mrs Carn this week, using ultraviolet light to highlight the unseen dirt. Mrs Carn demonstrated all the preparation needed, including how to shape the rolls into a knot, a cottage or a roll. The children were given the following ingredients and equipment to make their bread:
- Instruction sheet
- Apron
- Mixing bowl
- Measuring spoon
- 250g of strong flour, pre-weighed in a ziplock bag
- Packet of yeast (7g)
- Measuring jug
- Baking tray
- Greaseproof paper
- Clingfilm
- Jug of warm water
- Salt
The rolls were left to prove and then placed in the oven to bake. What a fun way to end the half term!
We wish you all a wonderful half-term break and we hope you enjoy the delicious bread rolls.