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Springtime snow

A fun, action-packed week in Robins with lots of colour.

Our topics this week in Robins were Growing, Planting and Festival of Colour. We have certainly had a very colourful week and the children have enjoyed learning about Holi which is also known as the festival of colours, festival of spring and also the festival of love. The Robins had lots of fun during our Skittles experiment. They liked looking at all the different colours and watched the colours slowly move away from the Skittles into the middle of the plate.

The children liked helping me tidy our nature garden and they all had super strong muscles as I needed lots of help to pull out an enormous root. We then had a little sweep of the garden and added some stones to our planters. Our Robins are very observant and it was lovely to see the children notice the stones the following day.

During carpet time we spoke about all the different seeds which we will plant over the course of the next two weeks. The children are looking forward to planting climbing beans, but they are hoping there will not be a giant at the very top. Following on with our planting activities, we made cress heads. The Robins very carefully added cotton wool to their decorated pots. Next, they added water and then a little sprinkle of cress seeds. Finally, we transferred them to our Talking for Learning area so they could observe the changes. We are hoping to use them in our cooking activity for when we make sandwiches.

There was a new addition this week to our sensory tray. I wonder if you can guess… it was green and cold. Good guessing, it was green snow! The Robins had lots of fun scooping up the spring green snow in their plastic eggs. They had lots of fun whilst exploring the textures of snow and there were so many describing words used.

There was a cheeky squirrel on our feeding station and the Robins thought it was super cute. We are certainly lucky to have a viewing window into nature. There were also blue tits, robins, dunnocks and magpies.

Continuing with our topics, during carpet time we spoke about different-sized pictures and we worked as a team to put them into size order. First, we found the smallest and the biggest picture and stuck them on the table at each end. Then, we looked at the other pictures and arranged them in the middle.

We enjoyed a lovely stroll around the school grounds to collect some rosemary for our yummy pizzas. The Robins carefully used spoons to spread the tomato puree onto their doughy base, followed by a sprinkle of cheese and our herby topping. We then made a pizza delivery to Mrs Tickner, Mrs Parker and Mr McCarthy.

The children embraced the snow and used it in their cooking in the mud kitchen. They also used many other open-ended resources, such as; pine cones, shells, sticks and stones. Some of the Robins used our class recipe book to help them with the instructions. 

We finished the week with a fun, energetic session in the Russell House. There was lots of climbing and super listening.