Chocolatey surprises
24 Mar 2023Our story of What We'll Build has made the Nursery children into little builders this week. They have been absolutely amazing at extending their own learning through the activities on offer to them.
There was some great thinking when the children looked at the pictures of the Lego bricks and copied the pattern of the bricks. This led to building a boat for the animals and a soft play structure for the tiger. The children have been builders in the garden using the new den making kit in our new construction area as well as making their own cement in buckets by mixing water and sand together to build some amazing structures. There was a lot of very sticky fun and tasting too when the children melted chocolate to make cement to build biscuit towers. Again, there was some great thinking of what was being built and lots of chatter about halves and how to make roofs for their buildings. The children loved watching the chocolate melt and dripping it onto the biscuits and often dripping it onto their fingers to have a taste too! We hope you liked their crunchy architecture.