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Impressive results

It’s been another busy week in Form 6 and the children are very much looking forward to the Inter-House cricket on Friday afternoon. The Form 7 House Captains have been busily organising their teams and the Form 6 children have been taking note of the organisation involved, as it will be them doing the organising this time next year! 

The children who would like to take part in the School Council Hustings have been asked to begin preparing their speeches over the half-term break. Everyone is welcome to take part and we would encourage as many children as possible to give it a try. 
Mrs Carn has, again, been impressing the children with some exciting experiments in science this week. The children have been learning that the properties of the elements are different from the compound they make.
They looked at sulphur and iron in sealed containers, then at a mixture of iron and sulphur and finally the compound iron sulphate to notice the difference in appearance between the compound and the elements that made it. They then went on to observe copper sulphate versus copper and sulphuric acid and to finish off the lesson, they observed how magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide in a brilliant flash. There were some very excited children in the lab!
Congratulations to the following children, who have achieved a Personal Best in Star Maths this week: Austin, Annabella, Kamran, Isabella, Clara, Anaya, Oliver L, Barnaby, Lucy, Anders and Henry.
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins